Thursday 29 January 2015

Banks Organisational Structure

Banking is an organisation with different departments to serve financial activities of customer, but normally, customers are unknown with the organisational hirerachy of the bank and its working culture, here I'm listing hirerachy of bank

·         Chairman and Managing Director (CMD)- CMD is head of bank

·         Executive Director (ED)- They are next to CMD in power exerted on the bank 

·         General Manager (GM)-   They are Scale-VII

·         Deputy General Manager (DGM)- They are Scale-VI

·         Assistant General Manager (AGM)- They are Scale-V

·         Chief Manager (CM)- They are Scale-IV

·         Senior Manager(SM)-They are Scale-III

·         Manager- They are Scale -II

·         Officer- They are Scale-I       
·         Clerk- Workmen

·         Sub-Staff-Workmen

Sub-Staff and SWO i.e. Clerk are popularly known as Workmen in bank they have separate union to look after their issues regarding exploitation transfer etc.

 Sub-staff include PTE (Part Time Employee) Coin men Daftery etc.

 Clerical staffs include Special Assistant (SPL) somewhere known as cash in-charge Single Window Operator (SWO) that is new concept in today’s banking it provides single touch point to customers for their entire banking problems

Officer and other staffs above them have signing power.  They are given signature number by bank and that signature makes the documents valid to bank.

ED and CMD have to change bank to get promoted e.g.  if a employee is serving BOI for 20 yrs as officer, manager,SM, CM,AGM,DGM,GM then if he is promoted to ED he Will have to leave BOI and he can be allotted any  nationalised bank may it be Union bank, CBI or any other .

Scale in bank refers to sanctioning power of the employees in bank in terms of loan, cheques etc
Employees are allotted different departments in bank e.g. Premises, Cash, Deposits, Advances, Investments, Personnel Management, Customer Care etc

Normally bank have different work culture for worknmen and others. workmen are always checked or tracked by officer class. they have different unions for their demands.

In short this is how bank in India works

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